
Kangana Ranaut on PM's security breach in Punjab

Kangana Ranaut on PM’s security breach in Punjab  

In a major security lapse, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s convoy was stranded on a flyover due to a blockade by protesters in Ferozepur, Punjab on Wednesday. He returned from poll-bound Punjab without attending any event, including a rally. After the incident, the Union Home Ministry directed the state government to file an immediate report, saying it did not ensure the required deployment. Home Minister Amit Shah said such dereliction of the security procedure during the PM’s visit is totally unacceptable and accountability will be fixed.

Meanwhile, actress Kangana Ranaut took to Instagram to react to this incident and called it “shameful”. “What happened in Punjab is shameful, Honourable Prime Minister is democratically elected leader/ representative/ voice of 1.4 billion people, an attack on him is an attack on every single Indian… it is an attack on our democracy itself, Punjab is becoming a hub for terroristic activities if we don’t stop them now, nation will have to pay a big price #bharatstandswithmodiji (sic),” Kangana wrote in a note shared on her Instagram stories. 

India Tv - Kangana Ranaut reacts to PM's security breach


Kangana Ranaut reacts to PM’s security breach

Earlier in December 2021, Kangana alleged her car was surrounded by farmers in Punjab’s Kiratpur. Cops have also arrived at the spot to manage the situation. Visuals from the area showed the actor’s white car surrounded by a large number of farmers. Police personnel could also be seen there, managing the crowd. 

On the movies front, Kangana will be seen in upcoming action film Dhaakad in which she plays the role of a secret agent. The movie co-stars Arjun Rampal and Divya Dutta. She is also shooting for her film Tejas in which she plays the role of an IAF pilot. She is also returning to the director’s chair with a movie titled Emergency.

(With PTI inputs)


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