
A relatively high turnout of students who registered for the Common University Entrance Test for undergraduate programmes (CUET UG) in a handful of north Indian states helped push the overall attendance percentage of the exam just above 60 per cent, official data shows.

Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi, Haryana – which are also among the states to have drawn the highest number of applications for the test – are among the seven states and UTs to have recorded attendance percentages above the national average of 61.86 per cent.

Delhi had the highest appearing percentage of 73.81, followed by Bihar (72.81), Uttar Pradesh (71), Leh and Ladakh (69.40), Haryana (65.15), Jharkhand (64.53), Jammu and Kashmir (62.25). At 60.71 and 60.50 respectively, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan attendance percentages were marginally below the national average.

Every other state and UT saw attendance settle below 60 per cent. In fact, in all the northeastern states except Tripura, as well as the southern states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala attendance was below 50 per cent. Even Maharashtra, Gujarat, Goa and West Bengal, and the UTs of Chandigarh, Daman and Diu fall under this category.

With only 583 of 5,634 registered candidates taking the test, Meghalaya logged the lowest attendance at 6.02 per cent. It is followed by Arunachal Pradesh (11.21 per cent).

In absolute numbers, Uttar Pradesh had the highest turnout among all the states with 2,92,589 students appearing for the tests. The second highest turnout was in Delhi with 1,86,405 students appearing for tests, followed by Bihar with 84,425.

The Delhi University had the highest number of applications with more than 6 lakhs CUET(UG) applications. The second highest number of applications were received by Banaras Hindu University with 4.34 lakhs applications, followed by Allahabad University with 2.62 lakhs applications. A total of 90 universities registered with CUET and will admit students in undergraduate programs based on its scores.

Compared to attendance percentages in other competitive national level examinations for undergraduate programs such as the Joint Entrance Examination and National Eligibility cum Entrance Test, CUET fared low. JEE Mains saw an attendance percentage of 88.2%, and JEE Advanced had a very high turnout of 97.2%. The appearing percentage for NEET exam was also very high with a turnout of 94.24%.

NEET had the highest number of students appearing for the test this year with more than 17 lakhs students. The second highest was CUET with 9.21 lakhs students, followed by JEE with 9.05 lakhs students.

The National Testing Agency released provisional answer keys for the CUET-UG, which was held in four phases between July 15 and August 30, on September 8. The results are expected to be announced soon.


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