
The nosedive in his approval rating was largely due to growing disapproval from sections ofvoters and independents. Those questioned in the poll hit out at the US federal government “spending one trillion dollars on roads, bridges and other infrastructure”. However, a slight majority of those who took part in the survey said they are in favour of the US federal government “spending about two trillion dollars to address climate change and to create or expand preschool, health care and other social programs.”

The approval rating survey was conducted by The Washington Post and ABC News.

The approval found that 53 percent of Americans disapprove of the way Mr Biden is handling his presidency so far.

In the poll, six percent said they have no opinion on how the president was faring so far.

This leaves Mr Biden’s approval rating at 41 percent, a decrease from 44 percent in September.

However, the latest opinion poll is a significant drop from 50 percent in June.

Mr Biden was riding high in public opinion just three months into his presidency when he received an approval rating of 52 percent in April.

The latest poll shows that Mr Biden’s support is slipping among Democrats and independents alike.

The November survey discovered that 80 percent of Democrats said they approve of the job the president is doing, this was a slip from a former high of 94 percent in June.

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Production costs due to supply chain problems are causing prices of goods to rise and after numerous stimulus packages, the dollar is depreciating with rising inflation.

Biden received a 39 percent approval rating on his handling of the economy and 47 percent approved of his handling of COVID-19 in the new survey.

The poll was conducted between November 7 and 10.

The survey was conducted by asking specific questions on Mr Biden’s performance from 1,001 US adults.

The survey data was gathered via phone conversations.

The margin of error in the poll was 3.5 percentage points.


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