
Ankita Konwar shared this image. (courtesy ankita_earthy)

New Delhi:

Ankita Konwar is no stranger to breaking the Internet with her fitness posts. Married to model-actor Milind Soman, Ankita often shares pictures and videos of her working out and performing yoga. On Wednesday, Ankita Konwar shared a post of her performing a split in front of the historic Red Fort in Delhi, after a 30-kilometre run. In the caption she said, “A split after a 30k run, in front of the Red Fort. Yoga Everywhere.” The post received a lot of love from Ankita’s Instagram followers, who showered her with compliments. Ankita joined her husband Milind Soman on the Unity Run that he began on the occasion of India’s 75th Independence Day.

Milind Soman also shared a video from the Red Fort, in which he is seen waving the National Flag in front of the monument at the end of the Unity Run from Jhansi to Delhi. “And, reached. Jhansi fort to Red Fort – Highways, sun, rain, heat, blisters, I run for fun but I will share the lessons I learnt soon,” he wrote.

At the end of the run, Milind Soman also met Prime Minister Narendra Modi and presented him with a Lord Krishna idol that Ankita Konwar brought from Vrindavan. Sharing an image of the interaction, Milind Soman said, “Was so happy to meet Hon PM Narendra Modi after the Unity Run and discover a mutual interest in ancient Indian traditions of sport, health and fitness. I thanked him for all he is doing to encourage people to take up Yoga and Ayurveda across the country, and gifted him a Balakrishna that Ankita brought from Vrindavan during Janmashtami.”

In another post, Ankita Konwar is also seen helping Milind Soman tend to blisters on his feet while on the marathon. Sharing the post, Milind said, “Day 4 – Heat, dust, blisters, Ankita playing doctor and other things happening on the highway.”

Ankita Konwar and Milind Soman have been married since 2018.


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