Try these natural remedies to cure constipation, piles, and hard stools


Compromised gut health can result in some common conditions such as piles, and hard stools, among others. According to Ayurveda, these issues are mainly caused due to an imbalance (aggravation) of vata dosha.

If you, too, are suffering from these digestive issues, here are some possible reasons, according to Ayurvedic expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar.

*Not eating mindfully
*Excessive intake of dry, cold, spicy, fried, and fast foods
*Not drinking enough water
*Less fibre in food
*Poor metabolism
*Disturbed sleep pattern
*Late dinner
*Sedentary lifestyle

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While many reach out to laxatives for a cure, they aren’t the permanent solution, and “you don’t want your intestines to get used to laxatives, it’s unhealthy,” Dr Bhavsar said. Instead, opt for these natural remedies to ease constipation, piles, or other digestive issues.

Cow ghee

According to the expert, cow ghee improves metabolism. “It helps you maintain healthy fat in the body which is needed for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E and K,” she said, adding that she wouldn’t suggest buffalo ghee as “it is fattening and doesn’t suit everybody. Buffalo ghee is good for people who desire weight gain.”

Dr Bhavsar instead advised consuming 1 tsp of cow ghee, either at bedtime or in the morning on an empty stomach, with warm water. It is best for all as it gets digested easily, she said.

Cow milk

Another natural remedy is cow milk as it is a natural laxative and works well for everyone, including pregnant women. “A glass of warm milk at bedtime is all you need. Best for pitta dominant people. If just milk doesn’t work, 1 tsp cow ghee with a glass of warm cow milk works best for people with chronic constipation,” she said.

constipation According to Ayurveda, these issues are mainly caused due to imbalance (aggravation) of Vata dosha (Source: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

Overnight soaked raisins

According to the Ayurvedic expert, overnight soaked raisins are rich in fibre and can provide bulk to the stool, aiding a smooth bowel movement. “Soaking the raisins is essential as dried food items aggravate vata dosha and may cause gastric issues. Soaking makes them easy to digest.”

Amla shot

Amla is another natural laxative and also helps with other health issues when consumed regularly in the morning. “You can also consume amla as a fruit or powder, whatever works for you,” Dr Bhavsar said.

Fenugreek seeds

She suggested soaking 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds overnight and consuming them first thing in the morning. You can also have 1 tsp of fenugreek seeds with warm water at bedtime. “Best for people with excess vata and kapha. People with high pitta should avoid it,” she said.

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