The only skincare guide you need for dry skin


There are innumerable benefits to following a skincare routine, even if you have perfect skin naturally. But if you suffer from dry, oily or sensitive skin, building a skincare routine can be the difference between dull, blemished skin and a soft, smooth complexion. This is why choosing the right products that go well with your skin type is so important. This best skincare guide for dry skin will help you start your journey to that eternal glow. Read on to know more…

What is dry skin?

People with the dry skin type usually suffer from issues with their skin’s natural barrier and other moisturising factors that help the skin retain moisture and remain hydrated. This could be because of internal factors such as genes or external ones like weather conditions or pollutants. This skin type also produces lesser sebum – the oil that shields the skin from environmental factors and forms a barrier around it.

There are different types of dry skin. Some people’s skin is so dry that it cracks and bleeds, but that’s not always the case. But what usually characterises this type is a rough texture, dull appearance, redness and itchiness. The skin usually also feels tight and brittle because of the lack of elasticity.
If this is your skin type, worry not! We will tell you how to treat dry skin by implementing a simple skincare routine into your daily life.

Main skincare steps

Following a strict skincare routine has many benefits. It helps the overall condition of your skin, keeping it soft, supple and glowing. It also helps shed dead cells and promotes the growth of new cells that will rejuvenate your skin’s appearance. A good skincare routine will also wash away your skin woes like acne, redness, inflammation, blemishes, etc.


Cleansing the skin is the first step to any good skincare routine, even for those blessed with perfect skin. The best skincare products for dry skin that you should include are those with gentle formulas. Look for ones made with hydrating ingredients that won’t disrupt your skin’s natural balance. It should be strong enough to remove any dirt, makeup, oil or any other pollutant your skin may have been exposed to but not harsh enough to remove whatever little moisture your skin naturally has.


The next step in this dry skincare routine is to use a toner. Toners work on many levels; the first of those is by completely cleansing your face of any impurities your cleanser may have missed. It cleans from within the pores. The hydrating ingredients in toners also prep the skin to absorb moisture better by leaving it moist. If your cleanser tends to dry out your skin, then the toner will help rebalance your pH levels too.

Hydrate & Rejuvenate

Skin serums, especially those with super-hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid, help your skin absorb every bit of moisture it is exposed to. They can also repair your skin’s natural barriers, making it less prone to the negative effects of external factors. This will make your skin softer and plumper and this is only enhanced by their ability to reduce acne, redness and other blemishes.


The best skincare guide for dry skin will include a good moisturiser. Since moisturisers tend to be creamier and thicker than serums, they should be applied after your serum. Serums, on the other hand, are more liquid and work from within the pores. Moisturiser creates an external barrier to lock all the ingredients in. This is also why you shouldn’t skip moisturiser altogether. Look for moisturisers that are specifically made for this skin type to reap all its benefits.


Sun damage is another external factor that your skin is constantly exposed to, and protecting it from harsh UV rays is an important element in how to treat dry skin. A generous layer of sunscreen after cleansing, toning, and applying serum and moisturiser will fight any type of sun damage when you step outdoors. When looking for sunscreen, you should find formulas with a high SPF – at least SPF 30 – for the best protection. You can also look for dry skin-specific sunscreens that will include hydrating ingredients.

Tips to prevent dry skin

Take shorter baths: Long baths, especially in hot water, strip the skin’s natural oils that will cause it to become drier than usual.
Use a humidifier: Dry air can make your skin drier. A humidifier will add more moisture to the air, which will, in turn, benefit your skin.
Avoid scratching: If your skin becomes dry to the point of itching and cracking, avoid scratching it. You will only damage the skin further. Instead, opt for gels or creams to soothe the area.
Wear lip balm: Dry skin also means dry lips and a moisturising lip balm will keep your lips soft too.
Choose products wisely: Always look for hydrating formulas to add to your skincare routine for dry skin, and avoid drying ingredients like alcohol and fragrances.

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